Create account: Gmail, Facebook, Facebook, YouTube, Apple, Sykpe - for E-Mail, Social Media, Internet, Online Banking, Movie Streaming and more

Facebook Login & Create Facebook Account

Facebook Logo

Facebook is a free social network and currently with over 2 billion daily users, the largest online platform in the world. The platform was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 as a student and was initially only accessible with an email account from Harvard University. Since 2007, Facebook is also available in Austria and can be used for free by all individuals with a Facebook account. Besides an email address, Facebook offers unlimited storage space for photos and photo albums. Facebook works on all computers and also on mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, and cell phones. For iOS and Android, there is also a Facebook app available for download.
The Facebook Messenger is a free Facebook app for Android and iOS; the Facebook Messenger also runs on almost all Java/J2ME-enabled devices, including Blackberry. The Facebook Messenger can also be used on the mobile browser on the smartphone. Facebook has now also integrated WhatsApp and Instagram: Instagram is a social network for photos, WhatsApp is the currently most popular messenger for sending chat messages over the mobile network.
Facebook is 100% free and ad-supported and does not have any payment function.

Facebook Login Information
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Create Microsoft Account & Microsoft Login

Microsoft Logo

A Microsoft account is required for Windows 10, Office 365, and XBox online. With the Microsot account, you can also receive emails and store your data in the Microsoft OneDrive cloud. You can also use your Microsoft account for online payment in the Windows Store as well as XBox Store. With your Microsoft account you also get 5 gigabytes of free web space for at Microsoft OneDrive - the online backup is even WebDAV capable. You can also sync your Microsoft account with the contacts in your address book or share photos with your friends on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. The Microsoft account also offers two-factor authentication (or 2FA - "Two Factor Authentication") via SMS verification with your smartphone. You can also use the Microsoft Authenticator or Google Authenticator for your Microsoft Account Login. You can also use online/video calling with Skype for free. The Microsoft account is 100% free and there are no monthly usage fees (except of course for additional subscriptions or similar features, you may have chosen). Click here to create NOW a new Microsoft account:

Microsoft Login / Office Login
Create NEW Microsoft Account!

Create & Login to PayPal Account

PayPal Logo

PayPal is the best online payment system: Since its founding in 1998, PayPal has become established worldwide, several million customers have registered with a PayPal account: In Austria, you can pay almost everywhere with PayPal, even at gas stations.
With PayPal, you can send online money transfers and the money is immediately available to the recipient, who can spend it right away. With PayPal, you can also send money to email addresses. Your PayPal login can be used for account login at all online shops, such as Amazon or Billa. At PayPal, you can also pay with bitcoins, a cryptocurrency.
Your PayPal account can be set up with just a few mouse clicks. Your PayPal account is free and there are no monthly account maintenance fees or similar charges.
Payments with PayPal account on the internet have a major advantage: PayPal buyer protection allows for immediate cancellation and PayPal refunds, in the event that an item is delivered damaged, for example. PayPal mobile is available in various apps: PayPal app for Android and iOS as well as the PayPal mobile website.
As a merchant, you can connect your PayPal account to shop systems such as Shopify PayPal account or Magento with the PayPal account login.

PayPal Login Information

Gmail Account Login / Create Gmail Account

Gmail Logo

Gmail (@Gmail) is the world's largest email service launched by Google in 2004. Since 2007, Gmail is also available in Europe and Australia. The Gmail account or the Gmail email address can also be used for other Google account logins like the YouTube account login or the login for Google Analytics/AdSense.
In the free Gmail Freemail variant, Google offers a total of 15 gigabytes of free storage space in the Google Cloud to store any personal files such as photos, emails, videos, and other files in the Google Drive If this Google Cloud storage space is not enough, additional webspace can be booked - up to 30 terabytes are possible. One of the best features of the Gmail mail account is the superior intelligent spam filter: with the help of big data, user feedback, and the Google account community, email spam is usually blocked almost 100% by Google. The Gmail login also works in a Gmail mobile variant with responsive web design on smartphone browsers, offering full use of the Google mail account on the go or on vacation. The Gmail mobile app is available for iPhone and Android, offering video chats, voice chats, and messenger functions in addition to Google email. Free calling with other Gmail users is also possible with the Gmail mobile app. In some countries, video chats are known under Google Hangouts. All data in Gmail is encrypted over SSL connections. The Gmail Mail account can also be accessed with Microsoft Outlook, and access to the Google Cloud via WebDAV is also possible.

Google Mail Login Information
Create NEW Google Gmail Account!

Bitcoin Rate / EUR & Buy Bitcoin

Bitcoin Logo

Bitcoin Rate: The current Bitcoin Rate always reflects the ratio at which 1.0 Bitcoin / BTC can be purchased at a certain price in a distinct currency like USD or EUR. The currency pair for e.g. the EUR Bitcoin Rate is BTC / EUR. Bitcoin is a digital cryptocurrency for the internet that is independently managed by Bitcoin users and operates without a central bank.
Bitcoin enables global, instant, and immutable payments over the internet, with just a few mouse clicks: Every Bitcoin user can exchange their own Bitcoins for the Bitcoin Rate in their local currency, which in Austria is Bitcoin / Euro. With Bitcoin, you can easily send money internationally to any country, without the recipient having a Bitcoin account already.
Your Bitcoin account is set up with just a few mouse clicks. The Bitcoin account is free of charge at all Bitcoin exchanges and there are no monthly fees for you as a "Bitcoin account holder".
E-commerce and internet and paying with Bitcoin has a major advantage in Austria: Bitcoin payments are always credited to the recipient immediately at the current Bitcoin Rate and can be used immediately by the e-commerce merchant. Bitcoin is also mobile: As soon as there is an internet connection, you can exchange Bitcoins for the current Bitcoin Rate - worldwide, anytime, against euros, dollars, or francs.
Bitcoin offers e-commerce shops & merchants a variety of options to accept Bitcoin payments and exchange them for the current Bitcoin Rate BTC in EUR. The Bitcoin plugins are available for e-commerce shops such as Magento & Co. and can be easily integrated with a few clicks.

Bitcoin Rate USD